The Technology of Celebration™ Part 3: The Antidote

//The Technology of Celebration™ Part 3: The Antidote

The Technology of Celebration™ Part 3: The Antidote

Welcome back to the last in this 3 Part Series on the Technology of Celebration™.  In Technology of Celebration™ Part 2: Sense of Life, we explored how our survival mechanism, often our best friend and ally in continuing to breathe, can also turn on us and become one of our greatest impediments to successful living. (How’s that for pretzel Logic?).  At its conclusion I  left you with the question, “What can we do? How can we deal with this pernicious malware in our cerebral cortexes?” So here in Part 3, as promised, I present the Antidote – a solution and a free downloadable tool with which to put that solution into action.

So what is the antidote??!! … Celebration!

Celebrations, in this context, can be seen as deliberate conscious efforts to break the hold that negative things have on our awareness and viewpoint and refocus our attention on good things. One manifestation of that survival mechanism of ours is that it instantly forces our attention into a sort of tunnel vision on the threat. This is a good thing for a survival response, but as I described above, wreaks havoc on our attitude and outlook.

The immediate antidote to that tunnel vision is to force ourselves into a process of celebration. This literally and almost mechanically cracks the lens that constrains our view and expands our awareness back to the entirety of ourselves our lives and our world as a whole. We suddenly realize that though (often) real, our “problems” are only a very small part of the whole picture. With our survival mode tunnel vision, the problem is all we see; it becomes our whole world, and our world becomes no more than the problem. The celebration process may seem forced and fake, as we probably don’t feel the emotional response to it – especially when we need it the most. But it serves its purpose and soon the emotions respond to the reclamation of our formerly hijacked consciousness. The paradox in celebration is that the more we need it the harder it is to do, but is the only method I have discovered to master our sense of life and thus our state of readiness to live well.

Now to take a further look at the phenomenon of celebration, we see that there are basically two forms, each one corresponds to one of the two aspects of sense of life – our sense of self and our sense of the world. The form of celebration that addresses our world view is celebrating gratitudes, and the form that relates to self-view is celebrating wins.

…when your state of mind has been hijacked by your troubles…

The Technology of Celebration™ – The Antidote

Celebrating Gratitudes (Addresses World-view)

Celebrating gratitude, as a form of ritual, is the thought process, activity and conversation whose purpose is to acknowledge, grasp, appreciate and experience the impact and meaning of the valuable things and people that exist in our world – which we have not directly made to be there.  Gratitude is an effort – a deliberate process, though because a feeling may follow from the act, most of us mistake the feeling for gratitude and overlook the action altogether. Of course this totally disempowers us and leaves us at the mercy of our sense of life and our feelings – neither of which can we directly control. This attention to all these countless gifts in our lives counters the instinctual obsession we have on that relative small set of unfavorable situations that we have not created.

  • Inventory Them – Simply begin to focus on these items, forcing ourselves to brainstorm as many of them as we possibly can.
  • Record Them. Many folks find that it intensifies the impact of the process to write them down.
  • Share Them. The impact really escalates when we share the list with another person.
  • Give Thanks for Them. People with religious and spiritual beliefs that involve a Divine Being, will offer prayers of appreciation for these gifts so freely given.
  • Tend to Them!  – Finally, the most powerful way to implement and sustain this attention redirection effort, is to TAKE THE ACTIONS that take good care of what is already in your life.

Celebrating Wins (Addresses Self-view)

Celebrating Wins, as a form of ritual, is the thought process, activity and conversation whose purpose is to acknowledge, grasp, appreciate and experience the impact and meaning of the valuable things we do. Celebrating Wins is an effort – a deliberate process. Without it, we are totally disempowered and at the mercy of our sense of life and our feelings – neither of which can we directly control. This attention to all these countless small to large things we do well in our lives counters the instinctual obsession we have on that relative small set of mistakes we make from time to time.

  • Articulate it – Clearly articulate the win/gratitude, in terms that have impact on you when you read them.
  • Valuable for you? – Identify as many ways as you can that the win/gratitude created value for you in your own life.
  • Valuable for others? – Identify as many ways as you can that the win/gratitude created value for other people in your life.
  • Valuable for World? – Identify as many ways as you can that the win/gratitude made the world a little better place.
  • Valuable about you? Identify as many ways as you can that the win/gratitude demonstrated valuable characteristics and qualities of your/the world
  • Share it! – Celebrate the win/gratitude by telling another person all of the above.

Tips for using the Tool effectively:

  1. Sit down and as much as possible establish a quiet, open and reflective frame of mind.
  2. Think through with depth and thoroughness each step of the tool you have selected to employ.
  3. Be bold and use rich language that has an emotional impact for you.
  4. Trust the process – the desired emotions will not necessarily follow immediately, but you WILL have reclaimed manual control of your misguided emotional auto-pilot.

…when you want to energize your emotional reserves and heighten your capacity to perform well and live successfully.

In conclusion, this process of paying attention to the countless gifts and effective actions in our lives counters the instinctual fixation we have with the relatively very small set of unfavorable situations and mistakes that occur. Put these tools to good use, not only when your state of mind has been hijacked by your troubles, but also when you want to energize your emotional reserves and heighten your capacity to perform well and live successfully.

In order to help you take action and remedy the loss of sense of self and the overwhelming impact of a narrowed world view due to survival instinct “tunnel vision”, I offer you the Antidote – the Technology of Celebration™ Tool and Guide for Download.

Technology of Celebration™ Tool and Guide Download >>

It includes Pocket Cards so you can keep them with you for those days where it is difficult to identify the gratitudes and celebrate the wins. And if you missed Technology of Celebration™ Part 1: Recognizing Value in a Powerful Way and Technology of Celebration™ Part 2: Sense of Life, I encourage you to take some time and have a read to discover why and how the Technology of Celebration™ Tools can help you live a successful and wealthier life.

At theWealthSource® our core commitment, “Everyone We Touch Walks Away Wealthier” is at the heart of all we do.

If you are a Corporate Executive, Successful Entrepreneur, or High-Level Professional, Specialist or Manager who seriously wants to learn more about how to implement this tool into your life along with the power of executive coaching, contact us for a Complimentary Introductory Coaching Session.

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About the Author:

Kim Sawyer is an Executive Coach and President of theWealthSource®. He provides individual and group coaching, training and facilitation, and he speaks to corporate and professional audiences around the country. If you’re an executive, corporate manager, entrepreneur or professional, please schedule a complimentary introductory coaching session by contact Kim at [email protected] or 832.298.0143.

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